I Cry In Airports

Quite a sight I'm sure
jeans and denim shirt
and dusty boots

Weathered face
lines or maybe roads
hard eyes and set mouth

Not young
too many miles
too many scars

Not too likely
one would think
for tears at any place

But I cry in airports
for those going
those left behind

For all those who go
and those who stay
and those who must

Do not presume, girl
that the tears I let
are for you or I

Too experienced at leaving
being left
to cry anymore

Do not imagine
that these tears
are anything personal

I never cried for me
nor begged your tears
nor wept for you

This is a lie
I told myself

I told my heart

There were others, of course, to be considered. There always are, it seems.
On her side there was a husband. On his side there was one with less claim on
his honor...but a claim. Promises had been made. It grieved him...hurt his concept
of himself as a man of honor. He had promised her so much...so much that she needed.
He knew that her needs were too great...that in time they would destroy him. With another
living in his heart he had to decide which was worse...the breaking of a promise...
or living a lie. what he had felt for her he had supposed was love. He would later
recognize it as duty.

Through ragged tears
born of disappointment and fury...
Who will teach me now.....
Who will teach me to walk in the rain?

He shook his head
eyes down and filled with tears
heart filled with her pain
there was no answer.

In time, his mate...because she had become his mate...could no longer live the life
she was so committed to. She felt unfaithful...not to her lawful husband but unfaithful
to the one she would call SilverWolf. Divorces are nasty things. Why are they tried in
civil court when there is nothing civil about them?

And it was more than the SilverWolf...more than the love that could not be denied
between them. Perhaps he was the catalyst. Maybe because of him things happened when
they happened but the break was inevitable. A woman too long denied the respect she
deserved...too long unsatisfied...a woman wanting...needing...to be free to soar.



@copyright 2000-2001, may not be reproduced without the permission of the author, Isnala Mani, or Dragonfeather Designs.